Welcome to Sunset Bridge.

A place for end-of-life education, advance care planning, death care, resources, and more.

Contact us to schedule a complimentary 30 minute consultation.

We can’t foresee the future.

Don’t wait for crisis-driven decisions to be made in guilt, fear, or haste.

Protect yourself and the ones you love.

Plan now.

Serving the Inland Empire and Orange County.

Telephone and virtual services are available in any location.

Some of the most cherished gifts to leave behind are your stories, your memories, and your truth.

What will your legacy be?

We are a non-denominational service provider respecting all religious and spiritual belief systems and lifestyle orientations.

Death is beyond our control.

What can be done is to develop a plan. Be empowered to call the shots for your surroundings, care, and after-care.

We will honor your wishes every step of the way.

“Death is not the opposite of life, but part of it.”

~Haruki Murakami